mission & VISION
No need is too small and no voice is too quiet to be heard. We will devote the time and energy necessary to educate, inspire, and assist those in need.
I am inspired by the works of others and motivated by their progress. I feel everything starts within. I enjoy helping others to reach their goals. I'm so fortunate to be able to impact the lives of others, all while partnering with some of the most passionate and driven philanthropists on the globe.
We NEED Volunteers to help make a difference in the lives
of those in need. Find out how to become our partner.
I started this organization with a vision. I want to "BE" the Difference. There are many people in need of assistance. I know if I can solicit the help of others, we can make a difference in the lives of many people. We will continue to work each day to turn this vision into reality.
Making The WORLD A Better Place...One Neighborhood At A Time!!
Peggy McMullen
An author of Children's Story books. She volunteers her time assisting children with test preparation for standardized tests.
We NEED Your HELP to make a difference
in our local neighborhoods. Please contact us to learn how
you can partner with us to
"BE" the difference!
Ph: (800) 458-8156